
Dr Alan Barclay The Art and Science of Food

Science into art

Soon after I started working for Diabetes Australia (NSW), I started to write for its member magazines – DiaTribe and Conquest, which were published quarterly. I developed a reputation for being a good writer, and I was asked to review/edit/assist with other people’s books, like those of Annette Sym, Peter Howard and Tim Bowden.

I soon came to enjoy translating the latest and best quality science into a format that was readily understood by non-scientists.

In 2004, I was asked to join the team behind what was then called the “New Glucose Revolution” series, on a book that was eventually published in 2007 as the “Diabetes & Pre-Diabetes Handbook”. It was an ambitious project, that covered all types of diabetes (Type 1, Type 2, Gestational Diabetes) and pre-diabetes in great depth, and ended up being about the size of your average Christian bible. In a word, it was comprehensive. Now out of print, it can still be found on-line or in public libraries.

Since then, I have had the good fortune of being involved in the writing of 5 more books that are currently in print:

Reversing Diabetes cover
A practical guide to help you manage your diabetes or pre-diabetes.
The Good Carbs Cookbook cover
100 nourishing recipes starring vegetables, pulses, seeds, nuts and grains.
Low GI Diet Managing Type 2 Diabetes cover
A practical guide to help you manage your diabetes or pre-diabetes.
The Ultimate Guide to Sugars and Sweeteners cover
Over 180 alphabetical entries on natural and “artificial” sweeteners.
The Glycemic Index Applications in Practice cover
Critical reviews of the research on the Glycemic Index and practical guidance for its use.